Organizations and Teams

An Overview of My Organizational Work

My Approach

I help mission-driven organizations and teams create a better future for our world.

Effectively working toward our mission and vision means continually learning about the emerging power we have access to, knowing how we want to use it, and employing it responsibly.

To that end, I help organizations and teams cultivate three forms of awareness we need in order to use power well: 1) self-awareness, 2) relational awareness, and 3) systems awareness.

Continually deepening our awareness in these four areas helps us use power without replicating patterns of othering and exclusion, which is unfortunately very easy to do in our world.

My organizational and team offerings fall into one of three categories:

  1. Trainings that can be tailored depending on your needs

  2. One-on-one coaching or consulting for individuals within organizations

  3. Tailored facilitation to help you diagnose problems, learn from conflict, or deepen your sense of purpose

Topical Trainings

Below is a list of trainings I deliver for organizations and teams. The length and content can be tailored to meet specific needs:

  • Transforming the Dynamics of Oppression
    This training is probably my most unique and powerful offering. In it, we explore the architecture and origins of oppression so that your team or organization can interact with and disrupt it more effectively.

  • Power, Privilege, and Rank
    This training supports an understanding of the different nuances of relational power that we have or are denied access as a result of culture, systems, and life experience.

  • Conflict as a Resource
    This training helps team members grow their conflict skills in ways that help everyone learn from disagreement.

  • Trauma Awareness and Emotional Literacy
    In this training, we consider 1) what we mean by the idea of trauma, 2) how our evolving understanding of it impacts the way we treat ourselves and others, and 3) how we can become more literate in our emotional lives to support ourselves and others through challenging projects and conversations.

Tailored Facilitation and Coaching

In addition to the trainings that I offer, I also offer tailored facilitation and coaching to organizations and teams depending on need. Examples of this type of work include:

  • follow-up coaching and consulting around issues related to my trainings

  • specific personal growth work in the areas of self awareness, relational awareness, cultural awareness, systems awareness, or the responsible use of power

  • conflict facilitation

  • identity-based affinity group work

Schedule a Free Consultation

If you’d like to schedule a free consultation to see if I might be a good fit for the needs of your team or organization, please send me an email at the address below.

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